#1,195 – Iterator Produces Only as Many Elements as Are Needed

When implementing an iterator, you write code that generates a sequence of elements using the yield return statement to return each consecutive element.

The full body of the iterator code may not execute.  Only the code required to return the elements iterated upon is executed.  In the example below, we iterate over a sequence produced by an iterator, using foreach.

Executing this code, only a portion of the AllMyDogs() method is executed, since we exit early out of  the foreach loop.

            static void Main(string[] args)
                foreach (Dog d in AllMyDogs())
                    if (d.Breed == Breed.JackRussell)


            private static IEnumerable<Dog> AllMyDogs()
                Console.WriteLine("* returning Kirby");
                yield return new Dog("Kirby", Breed.BorderCollie, 14);
                Console.WriteLine("* returning Jack");
                yield return new Dog("Jack", Breed.JackRussell, 15);
                Console.WriteLine("* returning Ruby");
                yield return new Dog("Ruby", Breed.Mutt, 4);
                Console.WriteLine("* returning Lassie");
                yield return new Dog("Lassie", Breed.Collie, 12);
                Console.WriteLine("* returning Foofoo");
                yield return new Dog("Foofoo", Breed.Sheltie, 8);


About Sean
Software developer in the Twin Cities area, passionate about software development and sailing.

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