#1,105 – Re-Declaring a Class-Level Variable within a Method

You can re-declare a class-level variable within a method, that is–declare a local variable having the same name as a class-level variable.  Within the scope of the method, the local variable will hide the class-level variable.

    public class MyClass
        public int x = 10;

        public void MethodA()
            double x = 4.2;

You cannot, however, reference a class-level variable before declaring the local variable, since this is interpreted as referencing the local variable before it is defined.

        public void MethodA()
            // ERROR: Can't use local variable before it's declared

            double x = 4.2;

You also can’t reference the class-level variable in an outer scope.

        public void MethodA()

            if (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Tuesday)
                // ERROR: Can't declare local variable within this scope
                double x = 4.2;

About Sean
Software developer in the Twin Cities area, passionate about software development and sailing.

4 Responses to #1,105 – Re-Declaring a Class-Level Variable within a Method

  1. Pingback: Dew Drop – May 28, 2014 (#1785) | Morning Dew

  2. Peter says:


    Not sure if this is something you plan on covering in on a future day, but you can reference the class level variable by prefixing it with “this”, in your example it would be

    // ERROR: Can’t use local variable before it’s declared, unless you prefix it with this

    Though this is ugly, and why there are people who prefix class level variables with an underscore to prevent method / class variables conflicting, particularly when initialising from the constructor.


  3. Steve says:

    Wrong on your second example. If x is a field of the class, Console.WriteLine(x); is OK because x is the reference variable instead of local variable.

    public class MyClass
    public int x = 10;

    public void MethodA()
    // ERROR: Can’t use local variable before it’s declared

    double x = 4.2;


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