#981 – Full List of C# Keywords

In C#, identifiers are names that you choose to use for things like variables, classes, interfaces, etc.

A keyword is a reserved name that has a specific meaning and that you can’t (generally) use as an identifier.

Here’s the full list of standard keywords in C#:

 abstract  add  as  ascending
 async  await  base  bool
 break  by  byte  case
 catch  char  checked  class
 const  continue  decimal  default
 delegate  descending  do  double
 dynamic  else  enum  equals
 explicit  extern  false  finally
 fixed  float  for  foreach
 from  get  global goto
group  if  implicit  in
 int  interface  internal  into
 is  join  let  lock
 long  namespace  new  null
 object  on  operator  orderby
 out  override  params  partial
 private  protected  public  readonly
 ref  remove  return  sbyte
 sealed  select  set  short
 sizeof  stackalloc  static  string
 struct  switch  this  throw
 true  try  typeof  uint
 ulong  unchecked  unsafe  ushort
 using  value  var  virtual
 void  volatile  where  while

About Sean
Software developer in the Twin Cities area, passionate about software development and sailing.

4 Responses to #981 – Full List of C# Keywords

  1. Pingback: C# Keywords Featured - The Daily Six Pack: November 27, 2013

  2. faraco says:

    Reblogged this on faraco and commented:
    Total standard C# keywords

  3. Sean Killian says:

    Can you add “event” to the list?

  4. Mason says:

    Up-to-date version of this list, with links to details: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/

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