#422 – How ReferenceEquals Behaves When Comparing Strings

The Object.ReferenceEquals method uses reference equality semantics, returning true if two variables refer to the same object in memory.

When comparing strings, you typically want value equality semantics, so you would not use ReferenceEquals.  In the example below, the string values are the same, but the strings are stored in different memory locations, so ReferenceEquals returns false.

            string s1 = "Bouffant";
            StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("Bouffant");
            bool compare = ReferenceEquals(s1, sb2.ToString());  // false

Because of the way that the compiler stores strings, ReferenceEquals might return true for two equivalent string constants stored in two different variables.  In the example below, the compiler stores just one copy of the string “Galoshes”.

            string s1 = "Galoshes";
            string s2 = "Galoshes";
            bool compare = ReferenceEquals(s1, s2);  // true

Even though ReferenceEquals returns true in this case, you should not rely on this behavior, but use Equals or the == operator to compare two strings.

About Sean
Software developer in the Twin Cities area, passionate about software development and sailing.

2 Responses to #422 – How ReferenceEquals Behaves When Comparing Strings

  1. Aurifier says:

    Are you… waiting for the bus?

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