#180 – The CLR Loads Assemblies on Demand

When you execute a .NET program, the CLR (Common Language Runtime) loads the assembly located in the executable and then starts executing the code in the function defined as the entry point for that assembly.

If your assembly references a second assembly, that second assembly will only get loaded if its code is invoked at runtime.

This means that it makes sense to partition your application into assemblies, based on functionality and expected use.  If running a program typically only results in 20% of its code being executed, the most efficient partitioning would be to have the remaining 80% of the code in one or more assemblies other than the main assembly.  If code in one of these assemblies is never called, the assembly is never loaded.

Loading as few assemblies as possible is desirable, because this results in a smaller memory footprint for your program.

About Sean
Software developer in the Twin Cities area, passionate about software development and sailing.

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