#993 – Some Examples of Characters

Given that the System.Char data type (char) can store any Unicode character, encoded using UTF-16, below are some examples of valid characters.

Here is the list that we bind to, to display some characters:

            CharList = new ObservableCollection<char>
                'a', 'Z', '.', '$', '\x00e1', '\x00e7', '\x0398', '\x03a9',
                '\x0429', '\x046c', '\x05d4', '\x05da', '\x0626', '\x0643',
                '\x0b92', '\x0caf', '\x0e0d', '\x1251', '\x13ca', '\x14cf',
                '\x21bb', '\x21e9', '\x222d', '\x2285', '\x2466', '\x2528',
                '\x2592', '\x265a', '\x265e', '\x2738', '\x3062', '\x3063',
                '\x3082', '\x3071', '\x3462', '\x3463', '\x3464', '\x3485',
                '\x5442', '\x54e1', '\x5494', '\xac21', '\xae25', '\xfc45',


About Sean
Software developer in the Twin Cities area, passionate about software development and sailing.

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